Walter Bellin pioneered the development and teaching of a wide range of methods designed to maximise the professional and personal potential of individuals, teams and organisations. Walter is an international consultant who regularly consults to the top senior management teams of public and private sector organisations in the areas of corporate development, leading organisational change (specialising in organisational cultural change), leadership development, teambuilding, communication skills and strategic business planning. In addition to his work in the USA and Australia, Walter has consulted in seven different countries throughout Asia and Europe.
Walter was born and educated in the United States. He received a BA in Philosophy with high honours from the University of Minnesota and went on to graduate studies in psychology and philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley, where he also taught undergraduate philosophy. He was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa National Academic Honorary Society.
Walter later left the university to pursue studies in the newly emerging human potential field, an area of study not then available in formal academic institutions. From the mid to late 1970’s, he developed and taught a wide range of seminars – including stress management, personal development, conflict resolution, effective communication, leadership, teambuilding, creativity and negotiating skills – throughout Britain, Europe and the USA. During the mid to late 1970’s, he also lectured at the Stanford Research Institute and was a guest lecturer at Harvard and Stanford Universities, USA and Oxford and Cambridge Universities, UK.
In 1979 he immigrated to Australia, where he launched the Crossroads personal development workshops, which rapidly became the most successful and widely attended of the human potential programs in Australia and the UK, with over 45,000 participants between 1979 and 1988. Beginning in 1986, and continuing through to the present, Walter has been consulting with and training managers and executives in private and public sector organisations.
In the Australian public sector Walter was the lead consultant in designing and delivering a leadership development and culture building programme for the joint logistics forces for the Department of Defence, and similar programmes for a number of other federal agencies.His APS clients have included the following Commonwealth Departments: Attorney General’s, Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Health and Aging, APS Commission, Medicare, DEFAT, CSIRO, Human Services, Centrelink, Defence and the Productivity Commission.
His private sector experience has been with Citibank, CIC Insurance, Toshiba, Microsoft, KeyCorp, Resource Finance Corporation, McDonald’s, Macquarie Bank, ABN-AMRO, Westpac, Sitel Corporation, Gavagna Australia and Abbott Tout Solicitors.